Monday 30 July 2018

What Can You Do If Your Jewelry Breaks?

Your heartbeat stops the moment you find that your jewelry is broken. However, with some help, it is possible to repair the jewelry or create something new with the broken jewelry. For all those who feel that it is not that simple, read on.
What can you do if your jewelry breaks?
If you are wondering what to do if your jewelry breaks, then here is what you can do:
·         DIY repairs: Broken clasps and small repairs can be done with the help of small things. If you are too concerned about what to do, you can simply check out various DIY ideas on the internet.
·         Find a store to help you out: If the amount of damage on your jewelry is too much for you to fix on your own, then you can find a store that will help you out. While you select a store for repairing your jewelry pieces, remember to look at their experience and what services they offer you.
·         Custom Design: Sometimes the damage on the jewelry is a bit too much. In that case, you can opt for some custom jewelry design in NJ that makes use of your previous jewelry pieces.

With all of the above points in mind, if you feel that you cannot use the damaged jewelry piece at all, you can simply sell it to a reputable store and get another piece of jewelry for yourself. Parian and Sons helps you find easiest and the best options for Scott Kay rings in New Jersey and Ritani jewelry in New Jersey.

Monday 2 July 2018

Easy Tricks to Buying a Wedding Ring

Your wedding just around the corner? Well, with many things to worry about, most of us do not have the time to wonder on what kind of ring to buy and where to get it from.
However, it is advised not to compromise with your wedding ring choices!
Easy Tricks to buying a Wedding Ring
If you are looking for quick solutions to your wedding ring choices, here are the answers:
·         Start your search Early: Do not, under any circumstances, wait for the last moment to get your wedding ring! Find your options for bridal diamond rings in New Jersey as soon as possible. This will help you ease things up before the wedding.
·         Custom Design: If you are not sure of the choices in the market, make your own design and get your own wedding ring.
·         Choose Something Classy: Rather than going for something mainstream, opt to buy platinum wedding bands for women and get your job done. Wedding rings look better when they are classy.
·         Stone Mounted Rings: If you are wondering what to give your loved one on your special day, get a massive stone and mount it on a ring of your choice. Better yet, create a design that will house the massive stone in the best possible way.
When you go out to choose a wedding ring, the many choices might confuse you. However, if you decide on a budget beforehand and make sure to decide on a type of ring, your choice will be easy. Take help of a trusted jeweler like Parian & Sons and get the perfect ring for your partner.